CASSANDRE - MONOGRAPHY by Alain Weill, Special Prize of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, awarded the Paul-Marmottan Prize. - Hazan Editions - BOOK ​ORDER
CASSANDRE by Henri Mouron, RIZZOLI, New York (English version)
CASSANDRE by Henri Mouron, SCHIRMER/MOSEL (German version)
CASSANDRE by Henri Mouron, Laboratory All Fashion Art Co, Ltd (Japanese version)
Cassandre, Every Face of the Master by Suntory Museum (English/Japanese version)
A.M.Cassandre by Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (French/English/Japanese version)
A.M.CASSANDRE: MODERN GRAPHIC WORKS 1923-1939, edited by Anne-Marie Sauvage, BNF, 2005.
Art Deco Graphics by Patricia Frantz Kery, Thames and Hudson (English version)
El Espectáculo Está (Estuvo) en la Calle by Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Les Maîtres de l'Affiche, Cassandre 1995 by Alain Weill / Bibliothèque de l'Image
Les Maîtres de l'Affiche, Cassandre 2005 by Alain Weill / Bibliothèque de l'Image
Affiches, Art Deco by Alain Weill / Bibliothèque de l'Image
A.M.CASSANDRE by Peter van Dam / Philip Van Praag / Uitgeverij Uniepers Abcoude
A.M.CASSANDRE, Modern Graphic Works 1923-1939 by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France
L'Affiche by Pierre Andrin, Union de l'Affiche Française Review, 1926
Le Spectacle Est Dans La Rue Preface by Blaise Cendrars, Draeger Frères, Paris, 1936
A.M.Cassandre - Affichiste by Sylvia Colle-Lorant, Doctoral Thesis, directed by Professor
M. Le Bot
L'Esprit Nouveau by Le Corbusier, Issues No. 5 and No. 25, Paris, 1920–1925
L'Art Vivant by Fernand Léger, Issue No. 47, Paris, 1926
L’Affiche by Pierre Andrin, Union de l’Affiche Française, Paris, December 1926
Cappiello's Place in the History of Posters by Réjane Bargiel-Harry, Catalogue of the Cappiello Exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris, April 1981
Cassandre Posters Leave the Billboards for the Salons by Philippe Bouvard, Le Figaro, June 1, 1966, Paris
Bifur Typeface by A.M.Cassandre, Arts et Métiers Graphiques Review No. 9, Paris, 1929
Publicité by A.M. Cassandre, Charles Moreau Arts Editions, L’Art International d’Aujourd’hui Collection No. 12, Paris, 1929
Untitled Text by A.M. Cassandre: "It is difficult to position posters within the plastic arts..." (Excerpt in the preface by Maximilien Vox for A.M.Cassandre, Peintre d’Affiches, Zollikofer, St. Gall, 1948, and in Bernard Champigneulle's introduction to the 1950 exhibition catalog at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs)
Notes by A.M.Cassandre: "A poster must solve three problems..."
The Age of Posters (1937), Untitled publication by A.M.Cassandre
Introduction for the Le Peignot Typeface Specimen, Deberny & Peignot, Paris, 1937 (Unsigned text)
Art Présent Review, Issues No. 4-5 (Special Advertising Issue) by A.M. Cassandre, Paris, 1947
Exhibition Catalog: A.M.Cassandre at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, 1950 (Biographical note)
Letter to the Press by A.M.Cassandre, regarding the ballet Dramma per Musica, Paris Opera, 1956
Plaisir de France Review, December 1960, Return to a Classical Form in Racine’s Tragedies
Open Letter to Pierre Jean Jouve by A.M.Cassandre: "Writing is one of mankind's first gestures..." (Exact date and publication unknown)
Don Juan Set Design by A.M. Cassandre, Outdoor Theater, Aix-en-Provence Music Festival, René Kister, Geneva, 1957
Mémento-Feuilles Mortes by A.M. Cassandre, Artist's private journal (Unpublished)
The Show Is in the Street Preface by A.M. Cassandre, Draeger Frères, Paris, 1936
Cassandre Refuses to Predict the Death of Posters, Article by Jean Chalon, Paris, June 1966
The Art Vivant Review, Issue No. 46, by Louis Cheronnet, Paris, 1926
The Invention of Writing by Marcel Cohen, Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1958
Journal by Eugène Delacroix, 4th edition, Plon-Nourrit, Paris, 1983
Theories. 1890-1910 by Maurice Denis, L. Rouart and J. Watelin, Paris, 1920
Posters by A.M. Cassandre, Preface by Ernestine M. Fantl (Unsigned), Exhibition Catalog, MoMA, New York
Projects for Four Posters – A Portfolio by A.M.Cassandre, Fortune Magazine, March 1937, New York
Mozart's Opera Essay by Pierre Jean Jouve, René Kister, Geneva, 1957
Amphitryon 38 by Jean Giraudoux, Program Preface by Louis Jouvet, Théâtre de l’Athénée, Paris, 1933
Bauhaus Exhibition Catalog Preface, Wassili Kandinsky, Musée National d’Art Moderne, 1969
L’Esprit Nouveau Review, Issues No. 5 and No. 25, by Le Corbusier, Paris, 1920–1923
The Modulor by Le Corbusier, Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Boulogne/Seine, 1949
L’Art Vivant Review, Issue No. 47, by Fernand Léger, Paris, 1926
A.M.Cassandre – A Pioneer of Modern Art Exhibition Preface by Raymond Mason, Galerie Motte, Geneva, 1966
Encyclopedia of Music by François Michel, Fasquelle, Paris, 1958
Art et Métiers Graphiques Review, Issue No. 16, by Charles Peignot, Paris, 1934 (Maurice Moyrand Obituary)
Ballet Program: Weg zum Licht, Bayerische Staatstheater, Munich, Henri Sauguet, March 1952
Savignac, Affichiste by Raymond Savignac, Robert Laffont, Paris, 1975
The Bauhaus in Weimar by Walther Scheidig, French Edition by Bernard Laville, Paris, 1966
Degas Danse Dessin by Paul Valéry, NRF Gallimard, Paris